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Want to set your brand apart from the competition? Well search no more, we’ve got the answer for you. Two words, twenty letters: brand personalization. Giving your brand a personal feel is ideal for business. Customers are just like you, human. They want to do business with real people, with real emotions, and a real life outside of their business.

Let’s jump right into how to make your business more personal and trustworthy.

Add Photos

Current and potential customers want to see the face behind your brand. Don’t be afraid to show your clients the behind-the-scenes of your employees hard at work or your office space. Share throwbacks of your company when it just started compared to where it is now. It may surprise you how quickly people will respond and engage.

Don’t Just Promote

Don’t just promote your brand, but show off your personality too! You may dilute your brand if you are strictly business and promotion all the time. Don’t be afraid to build genuine friendships with your clients.

Be Transparent, Be Human

People crave transparency. Worried about what your consumers will think? Don’t be. An ounce of honesty goes a long way.

Be Authentic

Step away from what “everyone else is doing.” It’s easy to get caught up in another brand’s success, and believe you must mimic it in order to achieve the same.

Be Personable

There is a time and place for serious business, but don’t be afraid to let loose now and then. Write like how you talk in real life. People will be clicking off your site as quickly as they came if they don’t feel like your brand is personable or real. Build two-way dialogue between your brand and customers, responding to their comments, answering their questions, and making yourself available to their needs. This will help further connect people to your brand.

Tag, you’re it! Having a personable brand isn’t as challenging as you think. Try out these five tips and see how your interactions with consumers will begin to change.

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