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In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. A well-designed and user-friendly website is essential for attracting and engaging customers. However, it’s important to remember that accessibility should be a top priority when building and maintaining your website.

Ensuring that your website complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a legal requirement and an ethical responsibility. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of ADA compliance and provide you with practical steps to check and fix any accessibility issues on your website.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990 to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities. While initially focused on physical spaces, the law has since been expanded to include digital accessibility.

ADA website compliance means ensuring that people with disabilities can access and navigate your website using assistive technologies such as screen readers, alternative text for images, proper color contrast, and more. By making your website ADA-compliant, you provide equal access and opportunities for everyone, regardless of their abilities.


  • Legal Requirements: ADA compliance is a legal requirement for businesses operating in the United States. Non-compliance can lead to legal issues, including costly lawsuits and damage to your company’s reputation. Ensuring ADA compliance mitigates the risk of legal consequences and demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity.
  • Expanded Reach: Making your website accessible to people with disabilities expands your potential customer base. Approximately one in four adults in the United States lives with a disability, representing a significant market segment. By overlooking accessibility, you may inadvertently exclude a large portion of your target audience.
  • Enhanced User Experience: ADA compliance goes hand in hand with good web design principles. By improving the accessibility of your website, you also enhance the user experience for all visitors. A website that is easy to navigate, with clear content and intuitive design, benefits everyone and encourages increased engagement and conversions.


  • Conduct an Accessibility Audit: Begin by performing an accessibility audit of your website. This involves examining your website’s design, functionality, and content to identify potential accessibility barriers.
  • Focus on Navigation and Structure: Ensure your website has clear and consistent navigation menus, headings, and hierarchical structure. Properly labeled links, intuitive menus, and a logical content flow make it easier for all users, including those using assistive technologies, to understand and navigate your website.
  • Provide Alternative Text for Images: Use descriptive alternative text (alt tags) for all images on your website. Alt tags provide a textual description of the image, allowing screen readers to convey the information to visually impaired users. Be concise and descriptive while conveying the purpose and content of the image.
  • Optimize Color Contrast: Ensure sufficient color contrast between text and background elements to improve readability. Use tools like the WebAIM Color Contrast Checker to verify that your color combinations meet the WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines.
  • Caption and Transcribe Multimedia: Videos and audio content should include captions or transcripts. This allows users who are deaf or hard of hearing to access the information presented. Captions and transcripts also benefit users in noisy environments or those who prefer reading over listening.
  • Test with Assistive Technologies: Validate your website’s accessibility by testing it with various assistive technologies such as screen readers, keyboard-only navigation, and voice recognition software. This hands-on approach helps identify any specific issues and allows you to fine-tune the user experience.
  • Regularly Update and Monitor: Accessibility standards and guidelines evolve, so staying informed and updating your website is essential. Regularly monitor your website for any accessibility issues and address them promptly.


Ensuring that your website is ADA-compliant is a legal requirement and a way to create an inclusive and welcoming digital environment for all users. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can take proactive measures to check and fix any accessibility issues on your website.

Remember, accessibility is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment to ensuring equal access and opportunities for all individuals. At GriffinWink Advertising, we specialize in creating ADA-compliant websites that prioritize accessibility without compromising design or functionality. Contact us today to make your website accessible to all.

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